Terms of service

Glu.fi is administrated by Jesse Valli (hereafter "Administrator"). The use, registration and addition of content to the Glu.fi online service (hereafter "Service") indicates that the user (hereafter "User") accepts and agrees to comply with the terms specified on this page. If the User does not agree to these terms, she/he must immediately stop using the Service.

  1. The Service is offered to the User on the condition that the User accepts the terms put forth on this page. By using the Service the User commits to complying with these terms.
  2. The User is personally responsible at her/his own cost for materials delivered to and distributed by the Service as well as for copyrights, criminal acts, and trade mark rights related to them, including civil disputes.
  3. The User commits to using the Service only accordance with Finnish law, best practices and online etiquette.
  4. Moving, transferring to another Internet service or publishing of any materials in any other form is prohibited without separate permission from Administrator.
  5. The Service has the right, at no cost, to use content submitted to the Service (excluding private messages) in marketing the Service. Although User removes her/his user account from the Service, all messages written in forum, tips, links and products stays in Service as other celiacs' information database. Copyrights to materials produced by the Users shall remain with the original owner.
  6. Administrator has the right, but not a responsibility, to oversee and monitor, translate, change, or , if necessary, remove any content submitted to the Service. The user has the right to create language translations of the contents submitted to the service.
  7. The User is responsible for all demands and costs incurred because of or related to use of the Service.
  8. Administrator attempts to ensure the flawless operation of the system, but does not guarantee the Service's accuracy or continuation of operations.
  9. The User can be sent e-mail notifications about terms of service and other important matters relating to the Service.
  10. The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the Service's operation and to these terms of service. The User will be notified by e-mail of significant changes. The latest update time of these terms of service is presented at the end of this page.

Updated 08/28/2010

Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.


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