Glutein-Free Paradise in Berlin

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Glutein-Free Paradise in Berlin

Every year (since 2007) I have spent a month in Berlin, and just a few years ago it was a quite big challenge, because it wasn't so easybeasy to find gluten-free food to eat.

Well, nowadays it's much better, the press has been written about this disease and waiters and chefs seems to understand easily what I need to eat safely.

I have to share with you one SPECIAL-café: Eis Voh Bio Cafe in Bundesallee 118, near Walther-Schreiber Platz.

EIS VOH BIO CAFE - Delicious cakes, pastrys and icecream with crispy waffle. And all is gluten-free!
Me and my husband find this café a real paradise for a coffee break with a big slice of creamy strawberrycake or the most delicious Schwarzwaldkirschetorte. Yummy-yummy, it´s so good!

I also ate my first "Banana Split"-icecream on Eis Voh Bio cafe and taste was unforgettable.

They also have nice, tasteful soups, my favourite was Chili con carne soup with few slices of gluten-free wholegrain bread, husband preferred potatosoup with wiener-sausage and bread.

This place is kept by nice frienful family and EIS VOH BIO CAFE is 100% worth for pay and visit.

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Comments (1)

  • Jezu  02/05/2013 10:52 PM

    I transferred this article to International

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  • Country
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  • Time
    Aug 2012
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  • Added
    02/05/2013 7:52 PM
  • Edited
    02/05/2013 7:57 PM

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