Jezu Admin – 08/28/2010 11:18 PM
Keliaakikko vm. -07 / Celiac since -07
c_lee 10 messages – 10/10/2010 10:35 AM
I am not sure who has the best gluten free food, but I can tell you JAL (Japan Air Lines) has very fresh food, nice presentation but taste is disgusting...even non gluten free food fails the taste test.
But that is common in Japan. They say the meals start with the eyes, then the aroma. What a shame, the eyes and the smell defy the taste buds and don't stop the hunger pains. Best tip: for JAL, take your own food. A gas mask maybe handy for those who are strong smell sensitive.
The cabin can fill with a mixture of green tea,super strong coffee (so strong that the spoon wants to stand vertical) raw fish and soy sauce. Unfortunately, many other airlines, including QANTAS, are also caught up with horrible versions of Japanese catering when they are refueling etc.
Tallulah 476 messages – 10/10/2010 12:03 PM
Air France and Cathay Pacific have offered the best food for me. Air France had the best gluten-free bread! British Airways is good when it's working, but unfortunately that doesn't happen too often with special diets!
Jezu Admin – 11/09/2010 12:27 AM
But does any other airline than Finnair offer gluten-free food on short, 1 to 2 hours flights?Keliaakikko vm. -07 / Celiac since -07
motusalem 85 messages – 11/20/2010 4:06 PM
China air last monday!!
c_lee 10 messages – 11/28/2010 12:18 PM
Airlines in Australia hand out snack food. Gluten free people are offered drinks like anyone else but be prepared for lots of apples. If you notify the companies before hand, gluten free food (other than fruit) will be availble. Airport stores are starting to offer gluten free food. Range and quality varies greatly.
Jezu Admin – 12/02/2010 8:14 PM
I've praised British Airways and Finnair but yesterday they both failed badly, especially BA.Keliaakikko vm. -07 / Celiac since -07
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Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.