c_lee 10 messages – 10/04/2010 2:47 PM
Children will always want things that others have because they don't want to be different. Here are some tips I have used with my children. Home meals: everyone eats gluten free. When friends come over, they have to eat gluten free. When the children go to other children's home for playtime, take gluten free food and explain to the host parent the child's special needs. Allow others to try the special food. When going out, take similar looking food in gluten free format.
make the food interesting in appearance, tasty so your child just about has to defend their food from others. As with all food, imagination is the limitation: presentation, sharing and tasty food is the key.
Carina 3 messages – 03/01/2011 6:22 PM
I´m sixteen now and as I found out that I´ve coelic... I was shocked of course
I was thirteen
it is hard for me... but my friend are so full of enthusiasm BECAUSE I´m the onlyst in my family...
my 3 sisters get "normal" food and now I´m glad about that...
they show me how life could be without this illness... but I show them that there are some positive things
I bake, cook for the whole family, I´m part of a gluten-free cooking workshop and they see the fun I have...
incidentally you see who are your real friends...
last month a girl I don´t really know baught some gluten-free waffles for me
and my so-called best friend baked cookies for Christmas... with gluten and told me, I could give it my sisters...
it´s hard to hear that but I´ve to handle with this situation and if I want to study abroud or away from home... I need awareness of coeliac
but I agree to save the "normal" early childhood... but someday they have to realize and stop this childish behavior
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Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.