Gluteeniton jogurtti
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Jezu Admin – 01/19/2012 10:00 PM
Jirka kirjoitti:
Hello and thank you for your answer.
I have already found a Finnish list of gluten-free and problematic ingredients in food so i am always checking the products against that list when buying.
Finnish Coeliac Society offers plenty of useful information:
Finnish Coeliac Society in english
Gluten free product listings (in finnish)
Jirka kirjoitti:
I am studying Theology in Helsinki, and so i must ask you naturally, whether your nickname - Jezu - is intentional or not? 
My actual forename is Jesse and Jezu comes from that. I've used that nickname like forever. Much later I found out it means something else in polish... Maybe in czech too? 
Keliaakikko vm. -07 / Celiac since -07
Jirka 2 messages – 01/17/2012 12:36 PM
Hello and thank you for your answer.
I have already found a Finnish list of gluten-free and problematic ingredients in food so i am always checking the products against that list when buying.
I am studying Theology in Helsinki, and so i must ask you naturally, whether your nickname - Jezu - is intentional or not? 
Jezu Admin – 01/13/2012 10:51 PM
Jirka kirjoitti:
I am a new exchange student from czech republic, i just wanna ask if the "Arla Ingman mansikka jogurtti" is gluten-free product?
Olen uusi vaihto-oppilas Tšekki, haluan vain kysyä "Arla Ingman Mansikka jogurtti" on gluteeniton tuote?
Thank you!
Hi Jirka and welcome to Finland! 
If you mean this yoghurt, it is gluten-free and I've eaten it too:
Arla Ingman Mansikkajogurtti 200g
Arla Ingman's modified starch (muokattu tärkkelys) comes from corn, potato or tapioca. Most of Arla's products are gluten-free.
What are you studying here in Finland?Keliaakikko vm. -07 / Celiac since -07
Jirka 2 messages – 01/11/2012 6:55 PM
I am a new exchange student from czech republic, i just wanna ask if the "Arla Ingman mansikka jogurtti" is gluten-free product?
Olen uusi vaihto-oppilas Tšekki, haluan vain kysyä "Arla Ingman Mansikka jogurtti" on gluteeniton tuote?
Thank you!
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Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.