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  • Celiac disease and tiredness 01/28/2013 3:32 AM

    There is a definite relationship between gluten consumption and tiredness. The previous wtiter is correct. Gluten blocks the absorption of iron, b vitamin absorption and gluten in the diet.
    Why did you get the energy boost? Simple. The villi in your intestines are slowly repairing or have repaired. This allows efficient absorption of ALl nutirents. This will slowly build up your immune system and your enjoy much better health.
    There are many medical document confirming the health of villi to an immproved immune system and improved absorption of vitamin b and iron. Also there is definite evidence the lack of vitamin b12 ,b6 and folliate caan be related to migraine and heart disease. If you think you need these supplemnets, please make sure you obtain them from natural sources as many tablets provide an inerrt form (unabsorbale form) due to processing.

  • Gluten-free oat 01/28/2013 3:17 AM

    Europeans travelling in Australia and new Zealand should be aware the two governments have decalred ALL oats are not gluten free as the testimng of "gluten free" oats falls outside the legal limit of 5 parts per million. The gluten free oats as evereyone is talking about comes in at 10 part per million. So travellers do not sak for gluten free oats in Australia. Above all, do not hold arguments with shop people about the issue. Yes some Europeans enter a debate with shop owners and assistance over gluten free oats.
    Many people who have gluten issue may be able to consume the oats and shound not be discouraged. But in Australia and in New Zealand the laws of labelling are different and tough.
    No company can advertise gluten free on their packaging unless it is government tested.

  • Best GFML? 11/28/2010 12:18 PM

    Airlines in Australia hand out snack food. Gluten free people are offered drinks like anyone else but be prepared for lots of apples. If you notify the companies before hand, gluten free food (other than fruit) will be availble. Airport stores are starting to offer gluten free food. Range and quality varies greatly.

  • Best GFML? 10/10/2010 10:35 AM

    I am not sure who has the best gluten free food, but I can tell you JAL (Japan Air Lines) has very fresh food, nice presentation but taste is disgusting...even non gluten free food fails the taste test.
    But that is common in Japan. They say the meals start with the eyes, then the aroma. What a shame, the eyes and the smell defy the taste buds and don't stop the hunger pains. Best tip: for JAL, take your own food. A gas mask maybe handy for those who are strong smell sensitive.
    The cabin can fill with a mixture of green tea,super strong coffee (so strong that the spoon wants to stand vertical) raw fish and soy sauce. Unfortunately, many other airlines, including QANTAS, are also caught up with horrible versions of Japanese catering when they are refueling etc.

  • Glu.fi in english 10/07/2010 12:59 PM


  • Gluten-free oat 10/06/2010 8:39 AM

    Thanks for the EU information. After reading it a few times it can be summmarised as: The food must be made under strict conditions, in a gluten free environment. Testing is to be regular to ensure quality and gluten control is of standards under the regulation. Labelling must be detailed and accurate.

    That's no different to over her except the ratio of what constitutes gluten free. Aust. and New Zealand have exactly the same laws in every aspect when it comes to gluten free and general food manufacture. In our ratio to be gluten free is 5:1,000,000. Low is 6 to 20:1,000,000.

    Thanks for the Eu information. I am sure my customers will appreciate that information before they go to Europe.

  • Children with celiacs. 10/04/2010 2:47 PM

    Children will always want things that others have because they don't want to be different. Here are some tips I have used with my children. Home meals: everyone eats gluten free. When friends come over, they have to eat gluten free. When the children go to other children's home for playtime, take gluten free food and explain to the host parent the child's special needs. Allow others to try the special food. When going out, take similar looking food in gluten free format.
    make the food interesting in appearance, tasty so your child just about has to defend their food from others. As with all food, imagination is the limitation: presentation, sharing and tasty food is the key.

  • Gluten-free oat 10/02/2010 12:51 PM

    Gluten free oats is a myth. Oats have a different gluten structure. (Beta-gluten) Also many companies dust the oats with wheat to keep the flakes separate. In Australia, by government regulation. Anything that is gluten free must be tested and must come in at 5 part per million and less. The so called gluten free oats come in at 10 parts per million. Some countries 20 parts per million is considered gluten free.So if you are living in such a country, yes oats will be gluten free, by law only.

    If oats are less in some countries, it could be genetically modified. That should be of some concern.You can always ask the suppliers for data and the results of testing. They shouldn't be making claims with evidence.

  • Celiac celebrities 10/02/2010 12:43 PM

    I do not know any celetrity with celiac. But will they admit to it? Image and vanity is an issue.

  • Celiac disease and tiredness 10/02/2010 12:41 PM

    Tiredness with celiac disease is from a few factors.
    1. gluten is still creeping into the diet.
    2. iron deficiency
    3. vitamin b group deficiency.

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Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.


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